Writing a Conclusion: Monster Edition

A good conclusion can leave a lasting impact. Not only does it wrap up a story, but it also reiterates the overarching message of the story and tells us why it was significant. Let’s explore the conclusions to two famous movies about monsters to pick up some ways we can end our essays meaningfully!

Identify a suitable way to conclude your story.
  • Change of Heart

    If, through the story, the characters experience a change, wrap up the story by explaining the effect of this change, and what it means for the character and the conflict.

  • Good Triumphs Over Evil

    If over the course of the story, there is a constant antagonist that is wrecking evil, one way to end off is to talk about how they get stopped, or how the other characters manage to deal with them.


Write about when someone gave you a hard time.
Develop your conclusion while keeping in mind the main message of the story.
  • Change of Heart

    The Grinch

    The Grinch saw the townspeople gathered in a circle and singing merrily despite losing their Christmas decorations and gifts. He began to understand that the joy the townspeople celebrated was found in each other’s company. His plan for revenge didn’t work, and instead his heart started to grow. More than wanting to destroy their Christmas, he now wanted to join in!

    The Grinch returned the presents and confessed, “I stole your Christmas because I thought it would fix something that happened a long time ago. I’m very sorry.” He turned to leave, but the townspeople invited him to join their celebrations. For what could be more important than winning over a long-lost town member at Christmas?

  • Good Triumphs Over Evil

    The Big Friendly Giant a.k.a The BFG

    The BFG watched in horror as the man-eating giants woke up and began to hunt for Sophie. But as they chased her down, they quickly became trapped by the nets from the Queen’s helicopters. Off they were flown, to a deserted island where all there was to eat was disgusting vegetables. The BFG’s plan worked after all!

    Back in the Queen’s castle, the BFG perched on his seat at the twelve-foot-high pile of tables. He grabbed the garden spade and scooped up all the eggs, sausages, and potatoes on his plate and shovelled them into his enormous mouth. Sophie ate her eggs and smiled. They were finally safe from the brutes.

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