Personal Recount: Signposting
Writing Practice

A personal recount generally follows this structure: introduction, tension, climax, resolution, reflection. To lead up to a high point in the climax, ensure the build-up is suspenseful.
Without Signposting
What happens
Your readers can easily get lost in the events and do not get the sense that the story is progressing.
With Signposting
What happens
Your readers will be able to follow your storyline and better immerse themselves in your experience.
Without Signposting
I went on a hike. Hungry for adventure, I decided to go off the main track and got lost A wild boar appeared and charged at me. I managed to escape, and only scrapped my knee. A rescue team found me. I had almost paid dearly for my daredevil attempt.
With Signposting
That fateful day, I went on a hike. After some time, I became hungry for adventure, and got lost after going off the main track. Suddenly, a wild boar appeared and charged at me. I managed to escape, and only scrapped my knee. After what seemed like an eternity, a rescue team found me. On hindsight, I had almost paid dearly for my daredevil attempt.