Personal Recount: Signposting

A personal recount generally follows this structure: introduction, tension, climax, resolution, reflection. To lead up to a high point in the climax, ensure the build-up is suspenseful.


When writing any narrative, the use of signposting is important in ensuring that your readers follow your storyline’s development.
  • Without Signposting

    What happens

    Your readers can easily get lost in the events and do not get the sense that the story is progressing.

  • With Signposting

    What happens

    Your readers will be able to follow your storyline and better immerse themselves in your experience.


Recount a time you had an adventurous day.
  • Without Signposting

    I went on a hike. Hungry for adventure, I decided to go off the main track and got lost A wild boar appeared and charged at me. I managed to escape, and only scrapped my knee. A rescue team found me. I had almost paid dearly for my daredevil attempt.

  • With Signposting

    That fateful day, I went on a hike. After some time, I became hungry for adventure, and got lost after going off the main track. Suddenly, a wild boar appeared and charged at me. I managed to escape, and only scrapped my knee. After what seemed like an eternity, a rescue team found me. On hindsight, I had almost paid dearly for my daredevil attempt.

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