Narrative: Define Time and Space

Complete your revision by reading this together with our 2023 Issue 4/5 print issue or as a standalone guide.


When writing your narrative essay, be sure to establish the setting by defining the time and space of your story. If the time and space changes through the course of the story, re-introduce them to the reader.
  • Without Defining Time and Space

    Your reader gets confused or lost.

  • With Defining Time and Space

    Your reader knows where and when to place your narrative and is hence able to follow the scene in your story easily.

Write about a time you missed an important event.

The important event: Your friend’s departure flight to the USA, where she is migrating to.
  • Without Defining Time and Space

    The place was so crowded. I was waiting. I was anxious. Would the bus arrive soon?

  • With Defining Time and Space

    The sun was already high in the sky. I was running late. I stood at the bus stop near my house, anxiously waiting for the bus to arrive.

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