Narrative: 3-Part Structure

Complete your revision by reading this together with our 2023 Issue 4/5 print issue or as a standalone guide.


This simple structure will help you to organise your ideas clearly to show the protagonist's journey. The 3 parts are: Introduce the Assumption, Break the Assumption, and provide the Resolution & Reflection.
  • Without 3-Part Structure

    The writing jumps from one event to another, but these events do not connect to form a cohesive story. Or you might end up focusing only on one part of the narrative and get distracted from answering the question.

  • Matching Task

    The story is well-developed and takes the reader on a complete journey through the narrative. This particular structure is very useful for showing a change in the protagonist’s beliefs or attitudes through the course of the story.

Write about a time you missed an important event.

The important event: Your friend’s departure flight to the USA, where she is migrating to.
  • Without 3-Part Structure

    I panicked when I saw the time on my watch. Meanwhile, the bus was moving slowly, and had to stop at every traffic light. I started sweating profusely. In the end, I was late to see my friend off for her flight.

  • With 3-Part Structure

    Introduce the Assumption
    I pressed the snooze button once again. There was no need to rush.

    Break the Assumption
    I panicked when I saw the time on my watch. I was running late for my best friend’s flight to the States. When I got to the airport, I found out that her flight had already departed.

    Resolution & Reflection
    Downcast, I left the airport. I have always dilly-dallied and showed up late without giving a second thought. This time, I realised that some things are worth being taken more seriously and on time for.

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