Expository: Convincing Examples

Complete your revision by reading this together with our 2022 Issue 4/5 print issue or as a standalone guide.


An important part of your expository is the use of examples and case studies that will help to substantiate your claims.
Tip: Sometimes, it helps to form your points around strong case studies you know.
  • Unconvincing Example

    Your case studies may be on topic but do not serve to support your point.

  • Convincing Example

    Your case studies should be:

    • relevant to the question
    • supportive of your point
    • credible


Point – Relying more heavily on vending machines could be the solution for a community with not enough manpower.
  • Without the Framework

    In countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong where the cost of retail space is high, vending machines help businesses save cost. As such, we are seeing a wider variety of vending machines in Singapore.

  • With the Framework

    The Japan National Tourism Board has proudly proclaimed that their country has the highest number of vending machines per person. Such automation has become an important strategy to meet the needs of the country’s ageing population and low immigration rates.

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