Argumentative: Words For and Against

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Oftentimes, the words you use in your essay are not neutral, and they reveal your attitudes and feelings about a situation. Your diction, or choice of words, can help you convey your stance more clearly. Let's see how carefully choosing your words bolsters your argument.
  • Diction Contradicts Your Stance

    The words you choose end up contradicting the stance you are trying to make.

  • Diction Supports Your Stance

    The words you choose help you convey either your agreement or disagreement of the question statement.

Do you agree that it is crucial to be active to lead a fulfilled life?

Stance: Disagree
  • Diction Contradicts Your Stance

    In some cultures, a fulfilling and happy life is marked by being idle and lethargic.

  • Diction Supports Your Stance

    In some cultures, a fulfilled and happy life is marked by a leisurely lifestyle that allows one to be well-rested.

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