Argumentative: Unpacking Keywords

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The way you engage with the keywords in an argumentative essay will determine how well you are able to develop a robust argument. To give your essay a boost, spend more time on the question to unpack the keywords and brainstorm!
  • Minimal Unpacking of Keywords

    You engage superficially with the question and so your argument remains underdeveloped.

  • Good Unpacking of Keywords

    You take the time to understand the different aspects of the keywords to plan out more developed points.

    Tip: Don’t stop at the “what”. Using the 5W1Hs can help you better engage with the question.


Games should be a key part of education. Do you agree?
  • Minimal Unpacking of Keywords


    • to study and learn


    • to entertain, educational games


    Yes, there are many educational games that are very effective in helping people learn new concepts and skills.

  • Good Unpacking of Keywords


    • Formal: the curriculum taught in school
    • Informal: what we learn from friends, family, our life experiences and from what goes on around the world (current affairs)


    • Learn how to contribute meaningfully to our community
    • Help us better appreciate the world around us


    • Goal-oriented games require strategy
    • Team games
    • Many simulate real-world situations

    Yes, games have a high education value. They simulate real-world scenarios and effectively help students learn important lessons about relating to others and thriving in society.

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